This document, produced by the American Society for Non-destructive Testing, is intended as a guideline for employers to establish their own written practice for the qualification and certification of their NDT personnel.

These guidelines are intended to aid employers in recognizing the essential factors to be considered in qualifying employees engaged in the major NDT methods. It’s the responsibility of the employer to establish a written practice for the control and administration of NDT personnel training, examination, and certification. The employer’s written practice shall describe the responsibility of each level of certification for determining the acceptability of materials or components in accordance with the applicable codes, standards, specifications, and procedures.

Both the training requirements and work time experience outlined inSNT-TC-1A are very similar to those stipulated in the CGSB Standard. However, instead of federally regulated certification system, such as we have in Canada, the responsibility is placed on the employer and only a level 3 individual should administer and grade examinations.

This certification is well accepted to ASME (American Society for Mechanical Engineers). API (American Petroleum Institute), AWS (American Welding Society) codes and standards.

Other certification scheme

PCN-British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing

CSWIP- TWI Certification Ltd

ISO 9712

The ISO 9712 Standard has ben developed to provide improved NDT reliability and accuracy through enhanced performance of personnel. The Standard provides customers and prospective employers with clear expectations of NDT Personnel competency and proficiency.

Canada has chosen to harmonise the Canadian NDT certification program to meet the requirements of ISO 9712.The Canadian Standards is known as CAN/CGSB 48.9712.

CGSB (Canadian General Standard Board) is the governing body that establishes recommended practice for the application of NDT Methods and also establishes the requirements for certification of NDT Personnel. A” standard for certification has been produced for NDT and outlines the theoretical training and practical experience that a person must obtain to become eligible for certification examinations in each NDT method.

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) manages the national program in Canada that certifies people who perform non-destructive testing (NDT).

NRCan’s National Non-Destructive Testing Certification Body (NDTCB).

Recognized Training Organizations (RTO) are organizations accepted by the NRCan NDTCB to conduct and administer NDT training course(s) in accordance with published NRCan NDTCB requirements. These organizations may conduct written and practical examinations by appointment. CINDE (Canadian Institute for Non-destructive Evaluation) is one of the well-recognized Training organization in Canada.